


    gall bladder surgery in dubai

    gall bladder surgery in dubai

    This picture is representative of how big the stones can become if the surgery for the gall bladder stones is delayed. The usual question when a patient is diagnosed and operated is, “Dr how long do you think, these stones have been inside the body”. The answer is not straightforward. It can be a couple of years or more. And the next thing they want to know is why it did not show any symptoms.

    The irony here is that sometimes very small stones can be extremely symptomatic and have complications like pancreatitis and jaundice and some times very large stones will keep sitting silently inside and patient will never know. So, what is an anticipated problem if the stones become large.

    1. There is a risk of pressure and erosion in the surrounding area of the gall bladder and it may at times cause compression of the common bile duct (the tube which brings the bile from the liver to the intestine).
    2. There can be chronic inflammation and it can have communication with the colon and the duodenum (a part of the small intestine)
    3. In endemic areas, large stone can predispose to the formation of gall bladder cancer also.
    4. The surgery in limited circumstances can become challenging and may have some immediate postoperative sequel which may merit another endoscopic treatment in the form of ERCP.
    So, if the Ultrasound is showing the presence of stones which are more than 2 cms in size, but you do not have significant symptoms, even then you should consider timely surgery to prevent the complications which are mentioned above. Remember that these stones did not become so big overnight, they have been there and have the potential to cause harm in the long run.

    Complex and recurrent hernia Dubai

    Hernia is defect in the abdominal wall muscle. This can be at the site of the umbilicus or the groin area which are some of the natural exit points of human body. The intrabdominal contents will protrude out through these defects and can sometimes become trapped and strangulated. The other reasons to develop a hernia are previous surgery or trauma.

    Complex and recurrent hernia Dubai

    Recurrent hernia is one in which an attempt has been made to repair this hernia initially. But despite that the defect has come again with the herniation of intraabdominal contents. The reasons for the recurrence of a hernia are:

    1.infection of the wound after the initial surgery

    2. excessive exertion too soon after the surgery

    3. chronic use of steroids/ other medications

    4. chronic acute cough

    5. smoking

    6. obesity

    7. improper technique or missed hernia defects

    Concerns or Complications of recurrent hernia

    The plane of dissection of the muscles has been breached. There may be a mesh or stitches which are placed at the time of the initial surgery, these may cause adhesions with the bowel or the intestine. The hernia defects may be more painful. There may be missed hernial defects. There may be some additional involvement of the nerves or exaggerated muscle weakness.

    The repair of such recurrent or complex hernia requires a tailor-made treatment. They need proper investigations, mostly by a CT scan of the abdomen to understand the anatomy of the area. The size of the defect, the volume of the herniated contents, the intent of repositioning all needs to be incorporated in making a strategy for the surgical repair.

    The patient must be prepared prior to the surgery. Any medical conditions which may have predisposed to the formation of the recurrent hernia have to be optimized and corrected. The surgical technique must be formulated as per the individual needs and the consumables must be arranged which may be customized to the case. Astute attention is placed in the intraoperative steps to avoid inadvertent complications of bleeding and bowel injury. Ergonomic placement of the mesh over a tension free approximation of the hernia defect is the corner stone of a successful repair. Aesthetic closure of the skin and the subcutaneous tissue enhances the overall appearance.

    The team of surgeon, radiologist, plastic surgeon, nutritionist and an internist are involved in the overall management of the patient.

    Robotic Hernia repair Dubai

    The hernia is a defect in the continuity of the abdominal wall. The most common cause of a large hernia can be previous surgery, trauma and weakness in the wall which is exacerbated by increased intrabdominal pressure. In addition, the presence of obesity or increased abdominal wall fat can make the defect to be hidden and the clinical symptoms are not visible till the hernia becomes large.

    Robotic Hernia repair Dubai

    The standard of treatment for hernia repair is to close the defect and reenforce the repair using a mesh to prevent the recurrence of the hernia in a long run. There are challenges to do this laparoscopically, using a “keyhole” technique because of the ergonomics. The abdominal wall is faced upwards, and the surgeon must operate in the reverse direction, to perform the procedure. This is conveniently done for small hernia defects but for large defects, the dissection and the suturing may not be optimal. The challenge is overcome by using a robot as it has more degree of movement of the hand and the access and suturing is extensively facilitated. This reduces the pain after the surgery for the patient and the recovery time is markedly reduced. Also, it is practically feasible to place the mesh in the correct anatomical plane which is away from the intra-abdominal contents.

    Deep Impact An abdominal wall

    Hernia conference dealing with all aspects of hernia with 1500 delegates across 40 countries. An absolute delight to hear the world renowned faculty and share the experiences. Thanks for the invitation as faculty by Dr Ramana Bala Subramaniam Dr Arun Prasad Dr Vivek Bindal Dr Abhishek Tiwari.

    Glad to be a part of a group of talented ”lady surgeons” making a great show and building up from strength to strength. They reveled in each other’s presentations and cheered and supported each other with delight. Dr Soumya Khuller and Dr Meenakshi Sharma making it happen. The #Gen Next looks spirited and motivated.

    Also the Robotic Program at Apollo with an awe inspiring show of expertise by Dr Flavio was an extended cherry on the show.

    The old friends are always a pleasure to catch up with and quiet a few from UAE enjoyed the stay.

    102 & 105, 1st floor, Building 47 Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai, UAE.

    📞 +971585181060 /+971585484228

    #AWR #DeepImpactAnabdominalwall

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