


    had an exemplary demonstration by a senior surgeon from Saudi Arabia about his series on choledochal cyst.

    The session on Benign liver disease had an exemplary demonstration by a senior surgeon from Saudi Arabia about his series on choledochal cyst.

    The session on Benign liver disease had an exemplary demonstration by a senior surgeon from Saudi Arabia about his series on choledochal cyst.

    The session on Benign liver disease had an exemplary demonstration by a senior surgeon from Saudi Arabia about his series on choledochal cyst. Albeit considered as a disease of childhood, he showed the cases in adults with large size of cysts around 15-16 cms, and also the varieties and their surgical treatment. The point to take home was patients with a dilated fusiform common bile duct in the absence of stones should be worked up and investigated thouroughly. The only problem faced with insurance, is that the moment you diagnose it as a choledochal cyst, they will declare the case as congenital or preexisting and deny the coverage of the surgery. Any solutions for contesting the same?

    The ever increasing tribe of women surgeons in the region Dubai

    The ever increasing tribe of women surgeons in the region. When we started in 2003, there were a handful of them. Now we have a representation in all subspecialities. Although breast surgery was always dominated by women, but with time ambition and skill set has led to the women making a mark in liver and pancreas surgery, advanced colorectal surgery, bariatric surgery and making great strides in abdominal wall reconstruction or hernia surgery as well. A note in the era of 2024 and beyond. Hone the skills In a specialized field and be a master of it. You can be good in any thing you like to be, but be well trained and knowledgeable. That is what that counts. There is no looking back. #womeninsurgery #breastsurgery #pancreaticsurgery #laparoscopicsurgery #colorectalsurgery.

    Pancreatic and Biliary surgery

    It’s a matter of time when your colleague takes an initiative to bring exclusivity to the field which you are proud to belong. Pancreatic and Biliary surgery was underscored in UAE as the numbers were limited. The complexity of procedures requires years of training and a continuum of performance. The change is seen in the landscape when extremely trained professionals provide the best of surgical care now here in UAE. She brought the leading experts together under one roof to share their combined success over a decade. More power to all, as the expanding population of UAE deserves the best and a golden standard of care.

    Amal Suhool M.Yasser Kayyal MD.MCh.FRCSI.FRCPSGlas.FRCSEd.FEBS.FACS Prof. Basil Ammori Walid Ghazi Faraj Ayman Al Harakeh, MD FACS

    #hepatopancreaticobiliary #HPB #pancreaticcancer #livercancer #kingscollegehospital #gastrointestinalsurgery #teamwork #pancreaticsurgery #liversurgery

    Laser Treatment of a pilonidal sinus

    Laser Treatment of a pilonidal sinus. Excellent results of the patient selection is good and the complete protocol@is followed by the patients with a regular follow up. Minimally invasive treatment.

    Dr Ritu Khare
    Breast, Laparoscopic, Gastrointestinal & Colorectal Surgeon

    #pilonidalsinus #drritukhare #irac #lasertreatment #womensurgeon

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