

    2nd Emirates International Colorectal Congress

    The ever increasing tribe of women surgeons in the region Dubai

    The ever increasing tribe of women surgeons in the region. When we started in 2003, there were a handful of them. Now we have a representation in all subspecialities. Although breast surgery was always dominated by women, but with time ambition and skill set has led to the women making a mark in liver and pancreas surgery, advanced colorectal surgery, bariatric surgery and making great strides in abdominal wall reconstruction or hernia surgery as well. A note in the era of 2024 and beyond. Hone the skills In a specialized field and be a master of it. You can be good in any thing you like to be, but be well trained and knowledgeable. That is what that counts. There is no looking back. #womeninsurgery #breastsurgery #pancreaticsurgery #laparoscopicsurgery #colorectalsurgery.

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